Thursday, September 27, 2018

Don't let cancer be the boss of you!

Ok you may have cancer, but does cancer have you?  There is a big difference in how you think about this, and it is very true when the doctor's say that positive thinking is a powerful tool.  I will be the first person to tell you cancer effing sucks!  Dealing with cancer is not for the weak, it's hard, it's awful, it hurts, you feel sick, no one wants it.  But here's the thing my body may have cancer, meaning it is in fact inside me, or has done damage to my body.  I have it, it doesn't have me.  I am the one in control, not the cancer.  Yes cancer has limited my mobility and energy and all that BUT it doesn't stop me.  I might take it easy or it might make me take a pause on some things but overall I am not stopped, and it doesn't control me. 

How can you stop cancer from bossing you around?  I'm glad you asked.

1) Realize that you are in fact in control.  Who is calling the doctor?  The cancer?  No.  You are.
Who is choosing the medical treatments to fight this disease the cancer?  No.  You are.
Who is putting food in your mouth?  You Are!
You are in control.  So you tell the cancer inside you to back the Eff off and die.  It is a little bitch that has got to go!  You are in control not the cancer and you need to say it.  Say it every day in your head, out loud, in the car, in the shower, whenever and wherever you need to, to remind yourself and the cancer that you are in control.

2) Focus on foods that boost your natural body immune system, take vitamin supplements that target your specific cancer or support the immune system in general.  Take the time to learn if your cancer has any hormone connection and then stay away from hormone rich foods and supplements. (I.E. estrogen and soy products for ovarian or breast cancers)

3) Enjoy life.  You woke up today right?  Enjoy it, don't let cancer rob of you of a beautiful day.  There is ALWAYS something to enjoy or be thankful for.  You just need to find it.

4)  Take control of your medical care.  You have to be your own advocate or have someone close to you advocate for you.  Doctor's are overworked and overwhelmed and can't always give every patient 100%, so do your own research, ask questions, look into non-traditional treatments, herbal, Eastern, etc.

5) Spiritual.  Take time to feed your soul.  Our emotions are tied to our body and greatly affect our healing.  Find ways to feed your soul, a nature walk, sitting by the duck pond in the park, meditation, yoga, prayer, church, animal therapy, painting, watching the sunset.  Balance isn't myth, it is important, and more importantly it is healthy.

Next time you say, "I have cancer."  I want you to say, "I have cancer... but it doesn't have me!"

Dig deep and find that stubborn 2year old inside of you who threw a tantrum on the floor and use her to remind the cancer of who is really in control of you!  You are!

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